Reflections: Is Christ Our Sabbath Rest?

Actually, I was going to post something else for this week’s Reflections, but that’s how it is sometimes…

Have you heard it said that we now have rest 24/7 because Christ *is* our Sabbath-rest? So, we supposedly don’t have to rest on the Sabbath because we are not in a “permanent rest” in Christ (a misquoting of Heb 4:9 which actually points to the fact that the Sabbath is still in effect).

If I’m getting so much rest, why am I tired, then? I shouldn’t need any sleep, either. But, the absurdities of the argument aside, why not examine the other Commandments in that light?

  • We now have a permanent reprieve from not murdering because in Christ there is no death.
  • We now have a permanent reprieve from not stealing because in Christ we permanently have no theft.
  • We now have a permanent reprieve from not committing adultery because in Christ we permanently have no adultery.

Does any of this make sense? No, of course not. We cannot spiritualize away the commandments of God!

And, just in case there is any doubt as to the true intent of Heb 4:9, let’s not forget we are not in that rest yet:

Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

~ Heb 4:11

Notice we still have to work! We have not entered our rest yet!

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