Chinese Ordered to Smoke More

Why didn’t I hear about this on the national news? I’m not sure which is worse: China local officials putting quotas on cigarette sales in provinces or that we still do trade with this country who doesn’t even care about its own citizens. The Telegraph reports in “Chinese ordered to…

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UCG and the Great Commission, Part 2

Last Saturday, 2 May 2009, the United Church of God an International Association (UCGia, or UCG within this article) began its 2009 General Council of Elders (GCE) meeting.  Mr Bob Dick gave the sermon that Sabbath, which was broadcast via the web and phone links all over the world.  The…

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UCG and the Great Commission, Part 1

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything…

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New Template Glitches

It only goes to show that no matter how much you test, you’ll still find bugs. 🙁 Unfortunately, it appears that the new template, or perhaps how Windows Live Writer interprets it, has bugs. I’ve noticed that most of the new articles have issues with paragraph breaks. Normally, a hard…

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Weinland Hits YouTube

False prophet Ronald Weinland of Church of God – Preparing for the Kingdom of God (COG-PKG) has hit YouTube. It seems “someone” put up a video called “God’s Final Witless Witness”. Lets address the most glaring error here (other than the Weinlands being the Two Witnesses, anyhow). Joe Tkach is…

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