Anglicans Taking Up Pope’s Offer?

Unfortunately, ReligionNewsBlog seems to been having issues yesterday (articles are throwing some type of XML error that wasn’t showing up yesterday), so the link below might not work.

Recently, you might recall that the Pope made an offer that Anglicans who were disturbed by trends in their church would be welcome in the Catholic Church. Well, it seems that some, including some bishops, might take up the offer as “Thousands of Anglican churchgoers could cross over to Rome with bishops”.

While it appears that some prophetic events, including some type of end-time ecumenical one-world religion, are taking quite some time to unfold, it still appears to have not stopped.

The Churches of God need to do all they can to get out the warning message while there still is the ability to do so.


  1. John D Carmack

    I received an email this morning that the site has been fixed. I just verified, and the above link should be working for you now.