Arches, Funny and Gay

Arches seemed to be a theme in different news outlets this week.

UCG’s unofficial Forward to the Kingdom! blog posted a humorous comic by Fred Crow on the discovery of Noah’s Arch.

Not so funny, sort of strange and very confusing, actually, is McDonald’s new ad campaign in France targeting gay men. According to the Telegraph article “McDonald’s releases gay advert”, a gay teen and his father are in a McDonald’s and the not-so-subtle hints that the teen is gay and the father is unaware are throughout the entire ad. What any of this has to do with eating burgers and fries is beyond me.

In fact, it really is just another not-so-veiled attempt to portray gay people and, worse, their lifestyle as “normal”. It is pushing the envelope of acceptance one notch further.

I can remember a time when people used to scoff at the idea that the world would be like Sodom and Gomorrah in the end times. Folks, that time is already here! The irony is that such things are pushed the hardest by those who would scoff the most.


  1. I personally boycotted Burger King 20 years ago for about a year — because of its "Sometimes you've just got to break the rules" campaign, which of course advocated rebellion.

    Could it be McDonald's turn for a boycott now?

  2. John D Carmack

    McDonald's actually was boycotted by the AFA at one point because they joined the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, but then I guess McD's backed down after a while. I assume that since this is in France, the AFA is not getting involved.

    IMO, however, Pepsi is much more of a problem than McD's. Even though the AFA is re-evaluating Pepsi in light of the lack of repeated donations in 2009 to various LGBT groups, they have gone as far as sponsoring Gay Pride parades and the like. I think they have just found other avenues to promote their "cause".