In this week’s weird religious news, “IHOP (the pancake-maker) sues IHOP (the prayer center) over trademark”.  Apparently, International House of Pancakes has 6 registered trademarks using the IHOP acronym, and it feels that the International House of Prayer is infringing on those trademarks by knowing it too would be called…

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UCG Updates

How about some positive news for a change?  A couple of updates on Inside United: Realtime caught my eye. In “Message from the Chairman and President”, Melvin Rhodes and Dennis Luker give a short update on talks with one of the Latin American ministers.  Basically, the good news is that…

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Are You a Wimp?

No, it is a serious question. In the Army, there was always the drive to be a “real man”.  It was a particularly competitive environment that looked down upon whiners, quitters and losers. You know, God told Job to “Gird up thy loins now like a man” (Job 40:7).  Was…

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