Does Jesus Need You?

At first glance, the idea that an omnipotent God needs anything at all strikes one in an odd way.  In fact, it is sometimes used as a “proof” that God does not exist. It boils down to what a “need” is.  I need to eat.  I need to sleep.  I…

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Katrina and Love Waxing Cold posted on 24 August the article “‘No compassion’ for Katrina loan applicants".  It is a story about how employees in the SBA who were supposed to help victims of Hurricane Katrina were rewarded for closing loan applications quickly and penalized if they did not.  Very often, applicants were required…

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Is Fellowship a Tool?

I have a question today:  Is fellowship a tool? I’m working on something that goes into the tools that Christians use.  Normally, Bible study, meditation, fasting and prayer are all called “tools” that are used in the Christian walk. Well, what about fellowship?  I’m tempted to say that’s not a…

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Why Laodiceans Do Not Change

Laodicea = “the people judge” or “judgment of the people”.  If your organization is constantly engaged in a superior, holier-than-thou, we-are-better-than-everyone-else type of attitude, then its love is already growing cold.  It is already lukewarm. As the saying goes, be careful pointing the finger, as the other four are pointing…

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