Thought For the Day

This morning’s daily Scripture just came via email. The mountains and hills may crumble, but my love for you will never end, so says the Lord who loves you. Isaiah 54:10 (TEV) Thank You, Lord, for the reminder. Technorati Tags: cog,church of god,inspiration,daily scripture,love

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Jeremiah 10:21 and a Question

21For the shepherds [of the people] have become like brutes, irrational and stupid, and have not sought the Lord or inquired of Him or required Him [by necessity and by right of His word]. Therefore they have not dealt prudently and have not prospered, and all their flocks are scattered….

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Sabbath Truth Website

I recently came across a website called Sabbath Truth”. It is apparently a Seventh Day Adventist site, but it contains some real gems on it. For example: Law and grace do not work in competition with each other but in perfect cooperation. The law points out sin, and grace saves…

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