Greece and Garner Ted Armstrong

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News correspondent Neil Macdonald recently wrote the article "Are we all facing a Greek-style future?" in which he mentions GTA. Garner Ted believed governments were becoming sinfully profligate and that there would be dire consequences, and my father, with his deep Calvinist streak — he never…

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The Pope and the Antichrist

Recently, COG Writer Robert Thiel of Church of God News wrote in “Ronald Weinland on Antichrist, the Pope, and the Abomination of Desolation”, “The False Prophet is the final Antichrist.” I have to admit I was a little surprised by that statement. Frankly, as far as I can remember back,…

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Defecating Is Pagan

Yep, you heard that right. We can no longer go to the bathroom. In the Bible, the only recorded instances of someone doing “number 2” are pagans, pagan gods or wicked kings. Therefore, we as true Christians must avoid it at all costs! Witness false gods: 26 So they prepared…

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