“Cable News Thinking”

Seth Godin wrote on Seth’s Blog an article about "The problem with cable news thinking".  I am pleased that he doesn’t single out one side or the other in his commentary, as all political persuasions seem to be guilty of it. It should come as no shock to you that…

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Go (Who?) Into All the World

In my previous article “UCG General Conference of Elders Sabbath Webcast”, I wrote, Melvin Rhodes’ “assertion that much of the work in recent decades has been carried on by a centralized funded effort is not without merit.  As far as what would occur if the US suffered such a calamity…

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Data Crowds Out Faith

“If only I could know. If only there were more evidence.” How many times have you heard these statements or ones similar? Seth Godin published an article on Seth’s Blog that “Too much data leads to not enough belief”. His point is that you gather data and then more data,…

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The Vultures Are Circling

David Pack is trying to pick the low hanging fruit from the recent churn at UCG, and he’s posted “An Open Letter to the United Church of God". Recently, I was joking with someone about being getting kicked out of church, and the response was, “What?  There are 400 different…

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The Value of People

Seth Godin wrote on his blog Seth’s Blog the article “Losing Andrew Carnegie“. Andrew Carnegie, of course, wrote many works on the value of people in the workplace. Godin asked the question if there were any large corporations “today that still believe this?” I’m all for process. I am a…

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