WWJD: Keeping Passover

It is during times of the year such as this that my mind wanders to the phrase “What would Jesus do?”  Yet, it is merely a slogan for most.  Like a magical charm, people will wear “WWJD” on bracelets, but they never seem to make the transition to actually doing…

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Armstrong Auditorium

You know, while a couple of COG related blogs have picked up the story about the Pasadena Symphony moving into Ambassador Auditorium, I have to admit to having my focus on something else of late. I don’t know, and I could be wrong, but wasn’t materialism supposed to be the…

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The god In a Box, Part 1

All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel. That’s the way the monkey goes. Pop! goes the weasel! ~ Children’s song You ever had a jack-in-the-box? You wind it up, and it plays music. At the end of the song, out pops “Jack”. Or, in the case of…

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WWJD: Where Is THAT In the Bible?

I was reading an article about political involvement of Christians. No, it wasn’t a commentary about the “Religious Right”, but rather it was a slam against the politics of the “Religious Left”. Frankly, it wasn’t all that interesting of an article, but there were a couple of comments that really…

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Can the Church Judge?

“J” of Shadows of WCG wrote a reply to a particular question in “DOUB – A Matter of Personal Faith.” In it, he/she in turn asked a question as part of the answer. In reality, Romans 14 clearly asks “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant”. The writer states…

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