The Church That Was a Mess

“How can that be God’s Church? It’s such a mess!” Have you ever heard those words? Yes, they can sting. They sting even worse when whatever preceded them is true. I was reading a Baptist’s blog article, “Thank God for the Church !”, and this jumped out at me: The…

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The Deluge

I caught a little bit of Charles Stanley the other day, and he was asking the question, “What is wrong with Jesus?” His point is that there are misconceptions about Jesus, and that it is the Jesus of the Bible that was real. He then went on to talk of…

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Legacy Institute Updates

Last week, Leon Sexton put out another video message.  This time, instead of emailing it, he sent a link to subscribers.  I suggest that those who are interested in the work in SE Asia subscribe to the Legacy updates.  You can find subscription instructions at  The video is “Why…

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