Web Link: LCG Scribe

If I mentioned this before, I don’t recall it (and cannot find it).  I came across the blog LCG Scribe by John Wheeler.   There appear to be a number of thought-provoking articles on it, mostly of a doctrinal nature. This brings to 3 the number of LCG related blogs I…

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Agape and a Plea

[This is an email I received from my friend Marty. I plan on downloading the referenced messages and listen to them, but I have not as of yet. Obviously, he is from UCG and is referencing the troubles within it right now. However, these troubles are nothing new, and this…

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Bravo, Denny!

Today on Inside United: Realtime, Dennis Luker (who says to “call me Denny”, therefore the title is not intended as a slight or insult) posted the article “The Sacredness of the Sabbath Day”.  It is a further clarification on the “Sabbath” paper: Unfortunately, the inaccurate documents now circulating in some…

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