I previously postulated a few of what the final initials would be for Church of God, a Worldwide Association – somewhat tongue in cheek.  Today, it was announced it is “CGWA”.  I have a feeling, though, that “COGWA” is going to stick around as long as that is part of…

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“Love or Law?” Wrong Question!

“Love or Law?  Which is more important?”  goes the question.  Frankly, that is the wrong question. Love and keeping the commandments are intricately intertwined within Scripture.  They are inseparable.  If you love God, you will keep His commandments.  If you keep His commandments, you will keep the most important one…

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Are You a “Good Person”?

The simple fact of the matter is that it is human nature to believe that you are a good person.  Misunderstood, perhaps, but certainly not evil.  We are victims.  We are products of our environments.  We are products of genetics.  Etc. The Bible, however, calls us all sinners.  The Bible…

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Thoughts on Equality

Some people have the day off in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr Day.  Civil rights in the US came at a cost.  In the case of MLK, it came at the cost of his life, unfortunately. There is another individual who died for freedom, though, and that person was…

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