Do God’s Servants Die? Can They Be Killed by Evil?

Artist’s conception of two lampstands and two olive trees representing the Two Witnesses by Doug Krieger 7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies shall…

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False Teachers: Hubris or Narcissism?

Napoleon is often the fantasy target of people afflicted with delusions of grandeur One of Satan’s most deceptive and powerful ways of defeating us is to get us to believe a lie. And the biggest lie is that there are no consequences to our own doing. Satan will give you…

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Top-Down, Schmop-Down (aka What Leadership Lessons You Can Learn from IT)

Air Force Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance Agency Org Chart shows side authority, entire dotted section and other non-top-down elements click on picture to enlarge So then, how do I know today? Well, I will answer just as Jesus Christ answered when the messengers of John the Baptist came to Him and…

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Redeeming the Time, Ambition and “the Last Option”

“Redeem The Time” inscribed on tower in Whitchurch by Jonathan Billinger as part of Geograph project   All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. ~ Gandalf, Character by JRR Tolkien I have to admit, I’ve never see that film.  When…

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