Tonight Begins the Feast of Trumpets

A Yemenite Jew blows a shofar Tonight begins the Feast of Trumpets according to the calculated Jewish calendar.  It is called “Rosh Hashanah” by Jews, but that merely means “New Year” (literally “head of the year”).  Still, there is some recognition of its importance, as it kicks off the “Days…

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Abortion, Lemmings and Sheep (Or, What Is a Real Sheep?)

Screenshot from the Lemmings PC game Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana What does abortion have to do with lemmings?  Are sheep lemmings, only bigger?  What’s a real sheep look like? Silly questions?  Well, take the last question, for an example….

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History and Prophecy: Why Islamic Extremism Will not Be Defeated (Or, Why You Cannot Fight an Ideology)

A history teacher helps a disabled student during a history lesson, 1943 Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. ~ Winston Churchill (contested, although George Santayana said something similar, and it is often misattributed to him) I actually do not understand why people follow liars….

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Glenn Beck Acknowledges the United States of America is Israel in Prophecy

Just published hours ago on WND, Glenn Beck admits “MEDIA POWERHOUSE: U.S. IDENTIFIED IN BIBLE“. “Israel was split into two kingdoms, the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom,” Beck explained. Many people don’t realize that ancient Israel (the Northern Kingdom) actually went to war against the Jews (the Southern Kingdom…

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