How to Interpret the Bible, Part 7: Perspicuity, and You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Sometimes a little clarity is needed Image courtesy of Jeroen van Oostrom / The doctrine of the clarity of Scripture (often called the “perspicuity of Scripture”) teaches that “the meanings of the text can be clear to the ordinary reader, that God uses the text of the Bible to…

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Russia Today “Whitewashes the Actions of Putin” According to Anchor Who Quit on the Air

RT anchor Liz Wahl, 2012 Photo by RT America, used under CCA-Unported The bias of the news media is evident in so many ways these days, but we need to not forget that there are dedicated propaganda machines like Russia Today that some people, for whatever reason, take quite seriously.  One…

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Russia in Bible Prophecy

  US Sec’y of State Hillary Clinton and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych at Munich conference in 2012 Photo by Frank Plitt, used under CCA-SA (CNN) – Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday sharply denounced Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “stunning, willful” actions in Crimea, characterizing the move as an “invasion”…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 6: Use the Smell Test

If it looks like a duck, Swims like a duck, And quacks like a duck, Then it probably is a duck. ~ “The duck test”, a common saying This is part 6 of the series “How to Interpret the Bible“, so if you have not yet read the introduction, you should…

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News Roundup: Holidays, God Breaks Your Bones, More on Offenses, and More Meanderings

  Roundup of tidbits related to recent postings and/or of interest within the COG community Holidays and Holy Days Are Upon Us The past year, I’ve attempted to get out of the habit of regurgitating the same old things when it comes to holidays and holy days (unlike some other…

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