USA Continues to Call Evil Good and Good Evil

As Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, then so will God eject us from this land. Even as the fall holy days outlined in Leviticus 23 begins in earnest, the world is determined to go the opposite way.  The day before yesterday, WLWT and others…

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Feast of Tabernacles Begins Tonight

Family in a sukkah near Tel Mond, 1954 Photo by the _Government Press Office under CCA-SA Tonight begins the Feast of Tabernacles, a biblical festival listed in Leviticus 23.  The Life Hope & Truth site recently published an article on “Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles“.  If someone claims to be…

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What Herbert W Armstrong Really Said About Prophets

False prophets make everyone look foolish This is a little out of sequence, but I really should share Wallace G Smith’s article on the “Plain truth about ‘Prophets’ from Herbert W. Armstrong“.  Since so many like to misquote HWA, it’s refreshing to see someone put those misquotes into context. So,…

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Filling In the Gap: Why Trumpets, Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles Are Separated

I previously wrote about how the holy days are actually cyclical, building upon each other.  Today, I would like to take it one step further.  I believe, and this is not necessarily orthodox Church of God doctrine, that even when the New Jerusalem comes down to earth, the holy days will…

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Hard Hat Area: Under Construction, Feast of Tabernacles at Home, HWA Pictures and More

Come and get your pictures! And, an pre-Feast announcement. Things have been busy around here!  In between holy days and daily life, or more like late at night at 1:00 am, I’ve been busy testing out various scenarios, and I’ve come up with something that I find an exciting possibility…

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