“Team Pointing Finger At Colleague”
Image courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I have to admit that there are times when I read or view something from certain organizations, and I have to clear my mind of all of the stuff that I’ve seen and/or heard about them in order to get through the article or the video. There are organizations that have done things to people I personally know that deserve a gallon of skepticism, but that is not always the case. I sometimes have to stop and check myself, if nothing else to ask if what I’m thinking is really true (and do I know it to be true). A new resource takes this very attitude head on in a recent video.
Steve Britt has started a YouTube channel called Spiritual Snacks. Many of them are a bit rough for various reasons, but perhaps the best video he has up addresses this topic. Here is the video, “Message to the Church of God: Blame”: