photo credit: schaaflicht via photopin cc
“But,” she said, “You cannot understand.”
“Really?” I asked. “Or, are you refusing my hand?”
“The road I’ve walked,” said she, “I’ve been all alone.
“Up and down hills, through rain and snow, throughout the land.
“You’ve not been there, not one step, you won’t understand.”
“Are you sure?” I asked,
As the silence sped past.
“I’ve walked low in the gullies, where the water knocked me in.
“I’ve walked high in the hills, where the sun burnt my skin.
“I’ve walked here and there, and I often lost my way.
“Through hunger and thirst, not just once but again and again.
“In open fields where lightning stuck and thunder dinned.”
“Is that all?” she implored.
“Oh, no! There is much more.”
“I’ve loved, and I’ve hated. I’ve gained, and I’ve lost.
“All the while, I truly did not understand the high cost.
“It sounds strange, I know, but correct to say, ‘All is against us.’
“There is one who hates us so much that this evil world he caused.
“Who’ll leave no stone unturned, all means he will exhaust.”
Fright in her eyes,
They beamed, “Why?”
“The enemy has sworn to his hurt to be against God.
“Even if it means all is destroyed, to the rational it seems odd.
“He hates us because God has placed us here to be His children.
“When Satan sees human beings, he sees the image of God.
“In the end, his jealous rage reveals he is a fraud.”
“How can we win?
“Where do we begin?”
“We must understand just how high is the cost.
“We must remember that God will not leave His children lost.
“He sent His Son Jesus down to earth to pay for our part.
“He then sent His Spirit to give us strength at Pentecost,
“Right after Jesus died for our sins upon the cross.”
“Why are we still here?
“Why must we shed so many tears?”
“I’ve walked low in the gullies, where the water knocked me in.
“I’ve walked high in the hills, where the sun burnt my skin.
“I’ve walked here and there, and I often lost my way.
“Through hunger and thirst, not just once but again and again.
“So, I extend my hand to you having taken it on the chin.”
She then smiled at me,
And she said, “Empathy.”
Excellent! You are right, my friend, about some things being time and chance, and some things being meant to be. I wrote a post yesterday that discussed the quality of empathy and leadership and empathy vs sympathy was the subject of my FB quote of the day. There’s way too little empathy, it seems to me, although sympathy seems to be in short supply as well.
Thank you!
@SLR: I agree that both are in shorty supply in this world. At least with sympathy, people are focusing upon others, but this materialistic society encourages focus upon self instead.