Arizona Gov Brewer Vetoes “Anti-Gay” Bill

  Proof that Gov Brewer doesn’t always wag her finger at Presidents Late yesterday, CNN reported “Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes controversial “anti-gay” bill“.  The piece acknowledged the sharp divide over this bill, to their credit.  Brewer called the bill too “broadly worded”, fearing that it might have unintended consequences.

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Media “Anti-Gay” Lies and How the “Party of Family Values” Is Complicit in Political Correctness (aka “Land of the Complacent and Home of the Politically Fearful”)

The religious persecution of conservative Christians is only beginning Gov of Arizona Jan Brewer at reopening of Grand Canyon National Park, 2013 Photo by Grand Canyon National Park service, used under CCA license Your “news” media is lying to you.  If you are shocked by that, you haven’t been paying…

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The Failure of American Foreign Policy Starts With the Basest of Human Instincts

Ex-Prime Minister of the Ukraine Julia Tymoshenko, taken in Poland (2008) Derived photo used under GNU Free Documentation License (original photo on Wikimedia) Ukraine is effectively a war zone.  There may be something of a ceasefire brewing, now that President Viktor Yanukovych has signed a deal reverting back to the…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 5: Literal Interpretation Does Not Mean Lack of Symbols or Poetry

  Page from French Psalter Another point to keep in mind has to do with the kind of biblical literature we are dealing with when seeking to interpret a passage. The Bible contains a variety of genres or styles of writing ranging from the overtly poetic, such as the Psalms,…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 4: Pay Attention to Whom Is Being Addressed

Be sure who is being addressed, or the message will go to the wrong person Photo credit: withassociates via photopin cc This is part 4 of the series “How to Interpret the Bible“, so if you have not yet read the introduction, you should do so.  Likewise, we have already covered…

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What Offends You? The Answer Depends on How You Understand the Eighth Day (Last Great Day)

Should a Map With North on the Top Offend You?  It Is Racist and Imperialistic, Don’t You Know? [Updated: 1 March 2014, added quote from Seth Godin that was missed first time around] Explorers’ Monument in Fremantle, Western Australia THIS PLAQUE WAS ERECTED BY PEOPLE WHO FOUND THE MONUMENT BEFORE…

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Fiat Currency, It’s What Is Right in the Government’s Eyes

  A bitcoin symbol from 2013 Is bitcoin any better or worse than normal fiat currency?  For that matter, what is fiat currency? In reality, your money stands for nothing except confidence.  It once was the case that money was backed by gold or some other precious metal.  That limited…

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Weird Teachings of Fred Coulter

  The future, according to Coulter Photo by Zach Chisholm 2  But there arose false prophets also among the people, as among you also there shall be false teachers, who shall privily bring in destructive heresies, denying even the Master that bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. ~ 2Pe 2:1…

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