When Things Are Confusing and Bleak, Looking for Shirley Temple and Are We Refocusing?

  Shirley Temple in Glad Rags to Riches, 1933 2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time. 3 And when…

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Thoughts on Oscars, Camels and Anti-Christian Bigotry

  A dromedary (one-humped) camel, typical of kind in Middle East Photo by Jjronused under CCASA At first, I wasn’t going to write anything about the Oscar fiasco surrounding “Alone Yet Not Alone”, which was featured in an independent film by the same title.  In so many ways, it is…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 3: Context, Context and Context

A Swedish buffet with mostly desserts Photo by Dorina Andress (Eberswalde), used under CCASA license Don’t believe me, believe your Bible!  Believe God! ~ Herbert W Armstrong This is part 3 of the series “How to Interpret the Bible“, so if you have not yet read the introduction, you should do…

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Thoughts on Creation Vs Evolution Debate, 4 February 2014

  The Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY Public domain photo by Anthony5429 Well, indeed it is snowing outside, and indeed I watched the debate tonight.  My reaction?  I would give them both a B+.  They both had pretty good arguments and both could back up their claims with various facts,…

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Bill Nye Vs Ken Ham in Evolution Vs Creationism Debate, 4 February 2014

Tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm (19:00) EST, the Creation Museum of Cincinnati, Ohio will host a debate between Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis.  It can be watched live online at that and various other web addresses.  Obviously, these are diametrically opposed views…

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Paul Warned Timothy About False Teachers and Gangrene

“The Escape of Paul”, from the Ottheinrich Bible, circa 1530 3 As I urged you when I went to Macedonia, remain in Ephesus so that you may instruct certain people not to teach different doctrine 4 or to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies. These promote empty speculations rather…

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