Science, Fallibility and Love

Harry Harlow with a “wire mother” surrogate nurse and a rhesus monkey subject Hard as it is to believe, during the early Twentieth Century, a whole school of mental health professionals decided that unconditional love was a terrible thing to give a child. The government printed pamphlets warning mothers against…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 2: Standard Definitions Don’t Depend on What the Meaning of the Word “Is” Is

Chinglish sign on train; I have no idea what that means Photo by Gaius Cornelius 3 Some may deny these things, but they are the sound, wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and are the foundation for a godly life. 4 Anyone who says anything different is both proud…

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The Astrology Trainwreck Within the Church of God

[Updated: 25 Jan, 12:31] Trainwreck in New York state, exact date unknown 13    You are weary from all your consultations; let the astrologers stand up and save you, those who gaze at the stars, and predict what will happen to you at each new moon. 14    They are just like…

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What Are “Spiritual Gifts”, and What Is UCG Up To?

  Some train wrecks are epic fails Like other forms of evangelical Protestantism, Pentecostalism adheres to the inerrancy of scripture and the necessity of accepting Christ as personal Lord and Savior. It is distinguished by belief in the baptism with the Holy Spirit as an experience separate from conversion that…

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If Isaac Is a Type of Jesus Christ, Then Rebekah Is a Type of the Church

  Depiction of Isaac running to meet Rebekah for the first time when Abraham’s servant returns to Canaan From the Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us: Containing 400 Illustrations from the Old and New Testaments: With brief descriptions by Charles Foster, 1897 22 For it is written, that Abraham…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 1: Ask God For Help

Daniel openly defies the king’s decree and prays to God Illustration by Jim Padgett, Distant Shores/Sweet Publishing, under CCA-SA license This is part 1 of the series “How to Interpret the Bible“, so if you have not yet read the introduction, you should do so. When studying the Bible, why…

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UCG and “Gifts of the Spirit”

Do spiritual gifts come in a box? Scott Ashley presented the first keynote of the 2013 General Conference of Elders titled “Edifying the Body Through Spiritual Gifts.” Mr. Ashley stated that Dennis and LeeAnn Luker are partly responsible for this topic being discussed…. Mr. Ashley wrote a detailed study paper…

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