What Is the “Third Angel’s Message”, and What Does It Have to Do With Church of God History?

  Woocut from Luther’s Bible for Revelation 17 depicting the Beast and Babylon the Great 1. True Gospel The world had lost the Gospel. They didn’t know what the Gospel was: I came among the True Church of God of the Sardis Era, They didn’t know what the Gospel was,…

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Church of God (COG) News and Tidbits

  [Updated 18:17: I forgot the link for The Father’s Call.] Feast or famine, drought or flood.  Such is the case of a writer, it seems.  I have a friend going through a really tough time right now, and that has consumed a bit of my time as well trying…

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IT Recession in US Due to NSA Activities?

Edward Snowden, 2013 Photo by Laura Poitras, Praxis Films Finally, someone is talking about the fallout of the Snowden case in practical terms.  On TechRepublic, Patrick Gray writes in “Will the NSA’s activities handicap IT in the United States?” (bolding mine):

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Religious Freedom in the US, and More on Church Governance (“Did Christ Reorganize the Church?”)

Photo of Pope Benedict XVI, 2007 by Valter Campanato 24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. 25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called…

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Church Governance As It Is Usually Practiced

A buckthorn in Iran Once again, the ugliness of the doctrine of church governance has reared its head in COG-land.  When will people ever learn?  Every time these ******* contests happen, I cannot help but think of a specific Bible verse in Judges:

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The Kings of the East in Bible Prophecy and China’s and Japan’s Roles

  Map of Asia from Infoplease.com Click on image to go to original interactive map All generalities are false, including this one. ~ Alexander Chase, American journalist and editor of the Tipton, Nebraska Courier I suppose it is meet to mention the other power center of the endtimes, the kings…

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