I Understand

“But,” she said, “You cannot understand.” “Really?” I asked. “Or, are you refusing my hand?” “The road I’ve walked,” said she, “I’ve been all alone. “Up and down hills, through rain and snow, throughout the land. “You’ve not been there, not one step, you won’t understand.”

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On Whose Authority?

I simply find it fascinating. One guy who claims to go strictly by the Bible for the calendar, who claims that is is so crystal clear for all to see, recently proclaimed, “I will announce the New Moon as soon as the observers see it.” Really? Where does he get…

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Should We Make Others Thankful?

23   The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me;      to one who orders his way rightly      I will show the salvation of God!” ~ Ps 50:23 (ESV) I received one of those marketing emails this morning that had an odd subject line. “Make Them Thankful”, it said. They…

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