Super Heroes, Authority and Microclimates (Microcultures)

32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. ~ Lk 12:32 I suppose I’m getting old. I don’t know about you, but I like the old heroes the best.  I don’t think it boring that the good guys wear white hats…

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The 4 Women of Revelation, Conclusion: Is the Church Your Mother?

Statue of mother and child (public domain) God’s love is like a mother’s love for her children, but God’s love goes much deeper. God’s true Church conducts herself as a caring mother toward her children. Old Testament Israel was thought of as a mother and her citizens as her children….

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The 4 Women of Revelation, Part 3: The Third Woman of the Book of Revelation

“The Whore of Babylon”, a Russian engraving showing the Great Harlot of Babylon, 1800s Public domain I have cleaned up the previous two articles, “The 4 Women of Revelation, Part 1: Who or What Are They, and Who or What Aren’t They?” and “The 4 Women of Revelation, Part 2:…

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To Day Is the Third Day

Examining the calendar Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / If “3 days and 3 nights” means 72 hours, then what does “today is the 3rd day” mean? In previous articles, we’ve seen how Christians should not keep Palm Sunday because it is based upon 2 lies. The 1st…

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Should Christians Celebrate Easter?

Bunnies and eggs reflect the real Easter after all. “Domestic rabbit [with brush in mouth] and 3 easter eggs from Germany” Photo by Gerbil under CCA-SA What do eggs and rabbits have to do with the Resurrection, anyhow? Why do non-Christians observe Easter? 28 Observe and hear all these words…

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