I just got back from celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary. My health has improved substantially after being anointed, and I am hoping that my energy levels will soon resume to previous levels.
While I was out, I got an email about a Spanish COG blog that is “UCG trend” called Faro Latinoamericano. My take is that it appears to be an unofficial blog, but I consider this a pretty important step in the right direction. AFAIK, there are no other personal COG blogs out there that are in Spanish. Of course, COGWA Members has official articles and sermons in French and Spanish, and UCG has Iglesia de Dios Unida, which are official pages rather than personal. This shouldn’t be too surprising, as many of the difficulties leading up to the UCG-COGWA split came to a head in Latin America.
During my trip, it struck me just how many countries in the world have a prominent Spanish-speaking population, if not being the official language of various countries. I encourage efforts to be made to do even more outreach to these regions of the world while there is still time.