According to People online, “Debbie Reynolds’ ‘Greatest Fear’ Was Outliving Daughter Carrie Fisher” (warning: auto-playing videos in link destination). Death might be the enemy, but outliving your children is especially grievous. This is a different kind of post. It’s a bit more personal.
A watchful press is supposed to be the ultimate fallback that keeps the three branches of government honest, but is the press actually watchful and faithful to their role? A free press is the unsleeping guardian of every other right that free men prize; it is the most dangerous foe…
Politicians promise to fix all of society’s problems, but are they able to? Why do things never seem to get better? What is humanity’s core problem? 8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the Lord:…