What Would Be In Your Mom’s Letter?

On 2 July 2009, the Telegraph reported “Farrah Fawcett’s letter to son read out at funeral”.  The subtitle read, “A letter written by Farrah Fawcett to her wayward son Redmond O’Neal has been read out at the star’s funeral in Los Angeles.”  O’Neal had been released from jail long enough to attend the funeral.

The Telegraph reported:

The letter to Fawcett’s 24-year-old son said: "The greatest gift of my life was to be your mother. By leaving you behind I hope you will be able to work out all your troubles and grow as a person."

My own mother passed away in 2002.  Her death was unexpected, so there was no letter to her children.  This story made me wonder, though, if she had had the chance to write a letter, what would it have said?

Who might write you a letter?  What would it say?  Would you be proud of what it might say, or would you be embarrassed beyond belief?

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  1. My mom used to write little daily notes to me, and put them in my grade school lunchbox.

    I actually still have a few of them. Short loving words, and usually with a riddle or joke of some sort.