In a Telegraph article reminiscent of some of Pat Robertson’s statements, the “Bulgarian church ‘blames’ Madonna concert for boat deaths”. Of course, neither that article or a similar Reuters article, “Bulgarian church condemns Madonna concert”, state whether or not anyone killed in the accident actually attended the concert.
Interesting that this didn’t seem to make the Religion News Blog. Oh well.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I think it would be prudent to not be too hasty in blaming God for disasters when He hasn’t spelled out His involvement.
I heard a UCG Pastor say a couple of years ago the drought in the Southeast U.S. was due to Atlanta and Orlando "embracing the homosexual lifestyle" — or words to that affect.
This year, parts of the Southeast are 24 inches above normal in rainfall (after Ida moved through Tuesday). I have yet to hear the Pastor explain what changed in city governments to bring this about.
I even brought this up with the Pastor's wife — and she admitted not much seemed to have changed. Hmmmm.