Drinking in Living Water


Has everyone started their de-leavening yet?  I started de-leavening my hard drive Monday.  You know, get rid of all of the web cookies, site navigational bread crumbs, … 🙂

Seriously, though, I did have to unexpectedly reformat my hard drive on Monday.  The long and sordid tale will continue tomorrow on the computer blog, though, rather than throw a bunch of geek-dom around here.

Before things went terribly wrong, though, I did manage to squeak out an article on “The importance of living water for eternal life“.

Did you know that for all of the squawking about which is “the last day, that great day of the feast”, I cannot find a single commentary that says it is the seventh day?  I’ll have to look up that old UCG article again, I suppose, to try and find their source for that.

Meanwhile, I’m a bit tired, and I could use some refreshing water…


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