So, it’s been a while, eh? It has definitely been a rough ride the past few years, and a lot has been going on.
On the plus side, I have a stable job that has treated me quite well, and I am married to a wonderful woman.
That job has come in handy, for sure, but no less than in the area of health benefits. Getting older apparently means falling apart. No one ever really warned me of that, or perhaps the young feel they are so invincible that it will never occur to them. So, dealing with eye surgeries, chronic neck pain and high blood pressure seems to have been my fate. However, dealing with bladder cancer has been the most unpleasant of them all.
So, it can be tough enough working full time to find time to blog, but with all the rest it becomes daunting. Frankly, I wondered if it was worth it for quite some time dealing with it all on top of the technical issues the blog itself had.
So, why revive it? Good question, and it deserves an answer. I never really considered the blog “important” in one respect. There are and have been other sites. However, that latter category is part of the problem. Websites have come and gone, and with them a bit of history.
Still, there was always the Wayback Machine, right? After all, its goal is to archive sections of the web because sites can vanish quickly. In case you’ve been living under a rock for a while, there is constant movement towards Internet censorship, and things are constantly being removed for legal, and now social, reasons that endanger free speech and history alike. The Wayback Machine has become under increasing pressure to do so itself, not to mention cyber attacks, thus defeating the very purpose of its existence.
Most of what is journaled in this blog is about my spiritual journey. However, there is also some church history. I don’t know how much of it will matter in 50 years (if this present world lasts that long), but history is history, including the good, the bad and the ugly. The next generation has a right to know what came before it, and perhaps, just perhaps, something here will help.
There is a lot of work yet to do, mostly clean-up stuff, but this has always been a work in progress. It will take a while to sort through duplicate images and find broken links, but that is part of the process anyhow. Regardless, pull up a chair, and let’s chat about the Bible and God’s works for a while.