Category: Abortion
The Nazis Supported Abortion, but "Brave" Is Standing Up to Them
The Nazis Supported Abortion, but “Brave” Is Standing Up to Them
Texas Abortion Restrictions Upheld for Now
The face of abortion I was sent a link today from someone who was cautiously optimistic. Unfortunately, I do not share that optimism, and I will soon enough show why. The AP today reports that the “Supreme Court Refuses to Block Texas Abortion Law“. Earlier this year, there was quite…
Why Pro-Abortion Activists Resist Ultrasound Legislation, and Why America Must Fall
A 16 week old fetus already has eyes that can blink and fingerprints, yet some claim it is just “tissue” 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;…
Abortion, Lemmings and Sheep (Or, What Is a Real Sheep?)
Screenshot from the Lemmings PC game Fanaticism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim. ~ George Santayana What does abortion have to do with lemmings? Are sheep lemmings, only bigger? What’s a real sheep look like? Silly questions? Well, take the last question, for an example….
Planned Parenthood leader resigns after watching abortion ultrasound – Telegraph
This is just too good not to share!
Barack Obama Meets Pope and Promises to Limit Abortions
There have been several news articles about various heads of state visiting the Pope earlier in the month. I’m surprised I haven’t seen more Church of God blogs and commentaries say something about this. Isn’t it interesting that in spite of the lesser popularity of the current Pope in contrast…
Disposable Lives
We have heard of the “culture of death” in the US. Life is no longer regarded as sacred. Euthanasia, the taking of life because the “quality” of that life is no longer at some imagined level, has become more tolerated over time and is becoming more and more legal. In…
Alan Keyes On the Eulogizing Of Tiller
Alan Keyes wrote a piece posted on WND on 5 June 2009 called “Abortion’s time of reckoning”. He compared the eagerness to “build worshipful temples in memory of a man most pro-life people regard as a mass murderer” to a speech by Himmler in 1943 that praised the killing of…