“Random” or “Law”?

I was listening to a message this morning, and it got me thinking about beginnings. The argument behind intelligent design (ID) is that the universe is so intricately woven together that it requires a design.  A design, of course, requires a designer. And yet, there are those who will say…

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Data Crowds Out Faith

“If only I could know. If only there were more evidence.” How many times have you heard these statements or ones similar? Seth Godin published an article on Seth’s Blog that “Too much data leads to not enough belief”. His point is that you gather data and then more data,…

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If Evil Exists, So Does God

“If God exists,” goes the argument, “then why is there such evil in the world?” Some might replace “evil” with “suffering” or “wars” or the like.  However, the implication is that the condition is wrong. Indeed, isn’t that what evil really is?  Wrong?  And, there then is the problem with…

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