You Cannot Always Make Things Better, But You Can Always Make Them Worse, Part 2

If the cure kills the patient, she isn’t sick any longer, so it must’ve worked. From Despair, Inc. Used under the “promise to throw an online tantrum when we ask you politely to stop” license. 20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. ~ Jas 1:20

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What Offends You? The Answer Depends on How You Understand the Eighth Day (Last Great Day)

Should a Map With North on the Top Offend You?  It Is Racist and Imperialistic, Don’t You Know? [Updated: 1 March 2014, added quote from Seth Godin that was missed first time around] Explorers’ Monument in Fremantle, Western Australia THIS PLAQUE WAS ERECTED BY PEOPLE WHO FOUND THE MONUMENT BEFORE…

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Thoughts on Oscars, Camels and Anti-Christian Bigotry

  A dromedary (one-humped) camel, typical of kind in Middle East Photo by Jjronused under CCASA At first, I wasn’t going to write anything about the Oscar fiasco surrounding “Alone Yet Not Alone”, which was featured in an independent film by the same title.  In so many ways, it is…

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The Ignorant Know-It-Alls, Part 6: Judgmentalism or Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged? (aka, “Does COGWA ‘Observe” Christmas?”)

  It is possible in some abstract sense that all men are equal. But according to the Bible, Aristotle, and most considerate observers, men are not equal in natural capacity, aptitude for learning, moral education, and so on. If you can get the first belief substituted for the second, on…

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