Turned Over to Satan

Job appears to have never been told about the exchange between God and Satan in the first 2 chapters of the book.  Indeed, often our situation can be similar.  We may cry out to God, “Why?”, yet the answer doesn’t seem to come to us. We look for easy answers,…

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LCG Article on Job

John H Ogwyn of LCG wrote “Study Topic: Seven lessons from the book of Job”.  While not as comprehensive as some of the other articles I have posted about this week, it still has some excellent points. The ending of Job is sort of a mystery in many respects.  A…

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A Different Look at Job

Yesterday, I cleaned up an old article on the Book of Job that I thought I had republished already from the old blog site.  In it, I make the case that Job was not “full of pride” or “self-righteous” and so he was being punished for those sins.  Unfortunately, there…

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Suggestions for Article

I want to compare Elijah, John the Baptist and Herbert W Armstrong.  Let’s see how this thing copies and pastes into Blogger.  Here is what I have so far:   Elijah John the Baptist HWA Miracles Shut up rain for 3-1/2 yrs, was fed by ravens, was fed by a…

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Calvin the Extremist

Most of you probably did not know or notice that last Friday would have been the 500th birthday of John Calvin, had he still been alive.  He is known for many things, but perhaps he known best as one of the great shapers of Reformed thought in Europe.  Much of…

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The One Creation Story

The dishonest handling of the Biblical text never ceases to amaze me. This literal reading implies that God specially created Adam and Eve from dust, and that all humans are descended from these original parents. They were created to have a perfect relationship with God, but their disobedience resulted in…

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