Shadows Poll Disturbing But Not Surprising

Shadows of WCG Next Generation posted the preliminary results of a poll.  AFAIK, the poll is still open for voting, though.  While I don’t endorse everything on the site, “J” has, at least IMO, bent over backwards to give credit where credit is due and vice-versa. The poll really is…

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More UCG Resignations

The UCG Current Crisis has an updated list of ministerial resignations, including Larry Lambert.  See “Individuals who have resigned or been removed from their positions in the last year”. I hereby nominate UCG for the most resignations the decade of 2001 – 2010. Technorati Tags: cog,church of god,ucg,ucgia,united church of…

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More UCG Ministers Resign

Facebook UWS site reports are that Roger West, Roy Demarest and Clyde Kilough have resigned today.  Previously, Demarest was suspended. I assume West’s resignation letter will eventually be posted at the AC site under the new Resignation Letters heading. Technorati Tags: cog,church of god,cog news,church splits,division,resignations,demarest,west,kilough

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Alleged “Illegal Use” of UCG Logo

Peter Eddington of UCG’s Media and Communications Services posted today about the “Illegal Use of United Church of God Name and Logo” on “anonymously prepared letters that are critical of the Council of Elders”, obviously referring to the 3 New GCE Documents posted on the AC website.  I thought it…

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