Alexa, Quantcast and Compete

I originally wasn’t going to post this, but since AW posted “COGs on the Internet”, it seemed appropriate to go ahead and do so. Alexa ratings have gotten some heat because some, such as Seth Godin, find them somewhat unreliable compared to Quantcast. Well, according to Godin’s article, there is…

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Reflections: Laodicea

2009 is a watershed year for me in one area. It is truly the first year in which I began to truly understand what “Laodicea” meant. Laodicea = “justice of the people”, “the people decide” or “the people judge”. 1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment…

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“Feed the Hungry this Yom Kippur”?

I know that recently PCG has seemingly posted or had posted for them several odd articles giving some sort of history (from their perspective) on HWA and Gerald Flurry.  However, “SUPPORT MAZON–THE JEWISH RESPONSE TO HUNGER …. FEED THE HUNGRY THIS YOM KIPPUR… The Philadelphia Church of God was incorporated…

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Herbert W Armstrong Church of God

This website belongs to Herbert W. Armstrong Church Of God. Here, you will find their latest news & information along with some of their Activities Scheduled. ~ From KillerStartups, Sometimes Google alerts hit on things that tickle your funny bone. Sometimes, the things are just odd. Sometimes they are…

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Living Church of God Blog Alternative

It appears that there is an alternative to reading Robert Thiel’s Church of God News blog by another LCG member, Wallace Smith.  It’s called Thoughts En Route.  I’ve only briefly toured it, but it appears pretty insightful.  He doesn’t just report on events, but he offers commentary, often digging into…

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