Chinese Ordered to Smoke More

Why didn’t I hear about this on the national news? I’m not sure which is worse: China local officials putting quotas on cigarette sales in provinces or that we still do trade with this country who doesn’t even care about its own citizens. The Telegraph reports in “Chinese ordered to…

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National Day of Prayer 2009

The National Day of Prayer (NDP) for the US is 7 May 2009. In spite of the recent stepping down of Dr Dobson and his wife Shirley Dobson, it appears that Mrs Dobson is still the chairman of the NDP committee this year. However, Beth Moore is also named the…

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Science not Politics?

MSNBC reported on 22 April that “FDA expands access to Plan B for 17-year-olds”. They report: U.S. District Judge Edward Korman ruled last month in a lawsuit filed in New York that President George W. Bush’s appointees let politics, not science, drive their decision to restrict over-the-counter access. This mantra…

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“Christian” Scams

How does God view people who take advantage of the poor and the defenseless? For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over…

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