Odds & Ends In the News

Some things that haven’t completely slipped under the radar of current events include news on the Euro, Thailand, a UK preacher arrested for “abusive or insulting language” and, of course, Texas textbooks. Oh! I almost forgot about the Gospel According to Glenn Beck. The Euro Greece is just a symptom…

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Should Religious Groups Have Tax-Exempt Status?

You have probably heard the arguments by secularists against tax exemptions for religious groups.  However, Australian Senator Nick Xenophon is arguing that cults should have their tax exempt status pulled, as reported in ReligionNewsBlog article “Cults thrive on tax-free status, senator says”. Would pulling their tax-free status really work, though? …

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Greece and Garner Ted Armstrong

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News correspondent Neil Macdonald recently wrote the article "Are we all facing a Greek-style future?" in which he mentions GTA. Garner Ted believed governments were becoming sinfully profligate and that there would be dire consequences, and my father, with his deep Calvinist streak — he never…

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