Church of God Year in Review

I had planned on doing something different this week.  I had wanted to do a year in review and a look ahead for various COG organizations.  I was hoping to make it humorous.  I was hoping to make it light-hearted. I failed. Very little of it came out actually humorous. …

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Differences of Opinion, Or …?

Apologetics Index is not exactly my favorite website.  Indeed, its article on “Why are there so many different churches?” is just so much talking around the real issues.  However, even there, one statement really jumped off of the page at me: Sometimes people mistake differences in church personality as differences…

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Commencement, Part 2

Last weekend, I attended a commencement, at which I was shocked at the bland PC “benediction”.  However, not all was bad about the affair. The keynote speaker was a history professor from the university.  At first, I really had no idea where he was headed with his address.  As a…

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Church Divisions

I have written before about church divisions and why I believe God allowed, or perhaps caused, the splits around 1995.  Just to recap, the old WCG often had all the answers, or so we thought.  We were often arrogant towards “the world’s churches” and sometimes even others within the Church…

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