Thiel’s Laodicea

Irony. The place often suffered from earthquakes, especially from the great shock in the reign of Nero (60 AD), in which it was completely destroyed. But the inhabitants declined imperial assistance to rebuild the city and restored it from their own means.[8] The wealth of its inhabitants created among them…

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Itching Ears

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; ~ 2Ti 4:3 I find it interesting that people seem to be afraid to listen to dissenting opinion.  Whatever happened to the “marketplace of…

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Wars Happen

I want to get this off my chest before the week is out. Political Idolatry I have asked the question before “Politics: The New Religion?” It seems that this ideological bent even pervades the world’s churches. I go to a Church of God (COG), and so I don’t know what…

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