The Key of David

 15This is what the Almighty Lord of Armies says:        Go to Shebna, the man in charge of the palace, and say to him,     16“What are you doing here?          What right do you have to dig a tomb for yourself?          What right do you have to…

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How Does God Govern?

In a discussion about governance, it should not be ignored how God governs.  That’s why I find the Book of Judges so useful, as it is an example of how God dealt with Israel before there was a human king. Sooner or later, the topic of how God governs brings…

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Considering What’s Next

Recent discussions make me think that it might be worthwhile to dust off some old studies on the Book of Judges. I’ll have to give it some thought. Meanwhile, it us worthwhile to consider what freedom in Christ means. When you compare how God governs in comparison to the world’s…

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