Defecating Is Pagan

Yep, you heard that right. We can no longer go to the bathroom. In the Bible, the only recorded instances of someone doing “number 2” are pagans, pagan gods or wicked kings. Therefore, we as true Christians must avoid it at all costs! Witness false gods: 26 So they prepared…

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One Week or One Sabbath After the Wave Sheaf?

Well, the Days of Unleavened Bread seemed to fly by this year! One thing that may have gotten overlooked was the wave sheaf offering that took place in ancient Israel during the DUB. The significance of the wave sheaf offering is discussed in the AC article “Reflections: Jesus as the…

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New Lump

What symbol did Paul use to address a primarily (if not entirely) Gentile church? How did he chastise them to change? What symbol did he use to represent their pride and arrogance? 1It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much…

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WWJD: Keeping Passover

It is during times of the year such as this that my mind wanders to the phrase “What would Jesus do?”  Yet, it is merely a slogan for most.  Like a magical charm, people will wear “WWJD” on bracelets, but they never seem to make the transition to actually doing…

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David Ben-Ariel wrote: The Passover lamb was to be kept from Nisan 10 until the 14th (Ex. 12:1-6). It was then to be killed on the 14th. It was to be killed in the evening. How do we know for sure which evening is being discussed? Because God the Father…

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