Category: Days of Unleavened Bread
Indiana Religious Objection Bill, Entitlement, Passover and the Feast Days of Unleavened Bread
What do gay activists, King Saul, King David, Job and probably you and I have in common? Some things that I hope you and I can agree upon: 1. Passover and the accompanying foot washing ceremony should teach us about humility. 2. In addition, the death of Jesus Christ for…
Indiana Religious Objection Bill, Entitlement, Passover and the Feast Days of Unleavened Bread
What do gay activists, King Saul, King David, Job and probably you and I have in common? Some things that I hope you and I can agree upon: 1. Passover and the accompanying foot washing ceremony should teach us about humility. 2. In addition, the death of Jesus Christ for…