Seeking Fulfillment

Time is money. ~ Benjamin Franklin There are 2 things that step on people’s toes: Time and money.  Want to create a huge discussion?  Tell people they must tithe and keep the Sabbath. I was told once again that I had it 100% wrong.  I was accused of thinking I’m…

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The Problem with Happiness

Americans often view happiness as a right. Thais even go as far as to try to measure happiness with the gross national happiness (GNH) index. Do these views really reflect reality? As I mentioned yesterday, last week’s sermon was certainly chock full of things to think about. One of these…

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The Devaluation of Women – Unbiblical

This past Sabbath, the pastor gave a sermon fitting for Mother’s Day.  He pointed out that Mother’s Day gives an opportunity to express sincere appreciation for the women in our lives, esp. our mothers and wives. This actually dovetails nicely into another study I am doing on some of the…

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Governments of Men

I am updating this article the day after election day 2020 in the US. It is still applicable, perhaps more so. With the rise of populism and the catering to special interests, we are witnessing the decay of a republic into an eventual oligarchy (if we last that long). Original…

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