The Ultimate Religious Dilemma God Knowing all vs Free will

Is there a dilemma between God’s omniscience and human free will? [Originally published on Helium 23 February 2009] dilemma: …a problem that seems incapable of a solution ~ The argument: God knows all. He can see into the future as well as into the past. He knows what you…

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Arizona Gov Brewer Vetoes “Anti-Gay” Bill

  Proof that Gov Brewer doesn’t always wag her finger at Presidents Late yesterday, CNN reported “Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes controversial “anti-gay” bill“.  The piece acknowledged the sharp divide over this bill, to their credit.  Brewer called the bill too “broadly worded”, fearing that it might have unintended consequences.

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Bits and Pieces

It’s been a while since I did a roundup article of smaller current events items.  Here are some items from various places that might be of interest. Crop Circles Made by Stoner Wallabies In one of the stranger articles I’ve come across recently, the Telegraph reported on 26 June 2009…

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