Does the Church Need Christ’s Coming as Much as the World Does?

Is self-examination only for Passover, or should we be examining ourselves prior to the Feast of Trumpets as well? The amount of energy necessary to refute b******* is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it. ~ Alberto Brandolini, software developer. I’ve written a lot about bad political leaders…

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Reflections on Awe: What Have We Learned in 9 Years After 9/11?

Will We Choose “awe” or “shock and Awe”? A Shofar, or trumpet made of ram’s horn [Originally published on Associated Content, 10 September 2010] Religions in various forms have struggled with the issue of evil. In particular, why does evil happen to people who seem good?

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The Kings of the East in Bible Prophecy and China’s and Japan’s Roles

  Map of Asia from Click on image to go to original interactive map All generalities are false, including this one. ~ Alexander Chase, American journalist and editor of the Tipton, Nebraska Courier I suppose it is meet to mention the other power center of the endtimes, the kings…

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Tonight Begins the Feast of Trumpets

A Yemenite Jew blows a shofar Tonight begins the Feast of Trumpets according to the calculated Jewish calendar.  It is called “Rosh Hashanah” by Jews, but that merely means “New Year” (literally “head of the year”).  Still, there is some recognition of its importance, as it kicks off the “Days…

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