The Origins of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and How Modern Sabbatarianism Rose Out of the Ashes of the Great Disappointment

  A Millerite prophetic chart from 1843 There have long been Sabbatarians in North America, beginning from the time before the United States was a country and people fled Europe to escape religious persecution.  However, Sabbatarianism stayed mostly under the radar until the late 19th century when William Miller began…

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The Irony of Calling Exodus 20:4-6 and Ezekiel 18:20 a “Contradiction”

Image courtesy of artur84 / 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself…

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Found: The Real Patrick Was not a Catholic “Saint”!

Stained glass portrait supposedly of St Patrick Someone recently sent me a document after I posted “Should Christians Celebrate St Patrick’s Day?”, but they could not remember where they got it from.  I believe I found it at “The ‘Real’ St. Patrick’s Day“.  An interesting read, to say the least,…

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Should Christians Celebrate St Patrick’s Day?

Image courtesy of artur84 / St Patrick’s Day is celebrated on 17 March every year.  It supposedly started as a religious holiday in Ireland to commemorate the anniversary of his death in the 5th century.  It falls during the Catholic observance of Lent, so special rules have been applied…

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The Myth Called Science

John Lithgow plays Dr Emilio Lizardo in The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Dr Lizardo is a human scientist possessed by an alien exiled from the 8th dimension The ignorance often displayed by people claiming to be educated, logical and reasonable is often astounding.  Even more astounding is claiming to be…

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Distortions Are the Enemies of Truth

Politicians’ creed: When in doubt, make race the issue photo credit: Sky Noir via photopin cc Facts are the enemy of truth. ~ Don Quixote We live in a strange world where many people seem to believe that we all create our own reality.  Politicians speak from ideologies and biases intended…

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