The Ignorant Know-It-Alls, Part 6: Judgmentalism or Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged? (aka, “Does COGWA ‘Observe” Christmas?”)

  It is possible in some abstract sense that all men are equal. But according to the Bible, Aristotle, and most considerate observers, men are not equal in natural capacity, aptitude for learning, moral education, and so on. If you can get the first belief substituted for the second, on…

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The Ignorant Know-It-Alls, Part 5: Comparing Ourselves to One Another

  Click on image to view full resolution picture I apologize if it seems I am picking on the Pharisees, but my words are hardly more critical than Jesus’ own.  In essence, they represented a contradiction, which if any one of us is truly honest can find such contradictions in…

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America Is Lost, but not in Space (and Why Isn’t the News Media Covering This Better?)

  From the premier of the TV show Lost in Space, The travelers were placed into suspended animation before their flight 19 And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass: ~ Lev 26:19 “Lost in space” was a…

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Pope Francis Named Person of the Year, Some Thoughts

  Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square, 2013 Photo by Edgar Jiménez Once there was a boy so meek and modest, he was awarded a Most Humble badge. The next day, it was taken away because he wore it. Here endeth the lesson. ~, “The Choice: Nancy Gibbs on…

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The Ignorant Know-It-Alls, Part 3: How to Keep the Sabbath

Jewish tzitzit, or tassels, both styles Picture by Sheynhertz-Unbayg 3 And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand. 2 And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him. 3 And he…

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