“He That Is Eight Days Old Shall Be Circumcised Among You”, and the Eighth Day (aka “Last Great Day”)

Statue of Moses in Venezuela Moses is recognized as the one who gave God’s Law to the Israelites 12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger,…

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Greatest Story Never Told, and Lies My Mom Emailed Me

The Gutenberg Bible on display One of the messages I’ve listened to lately mentioned “the greatest story never told”.  Of course, this is a play on words from The Greatest Story Ever Told, which ostensibly is about the Gospel.  The problem, of course, is that the traditional version of “the…

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The Most Ecunemical Pope Yet?

Pope Francis, in St Peter’s Square, has become a very popular pope Photo by Edgar Jiménez from Porto, Portugal I imagine many of you have been busy with services and fellowshipping today, and perhaps you haven’t seen the news yet that “Pope Francis: Catholic Church must focus beyond ‘small-minded rules’“:

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